Friday 4 January 2013

Finding Happiness

if you have been in an unhappy relationship for 2012, its time for you to move on. how would you suggest you gonna find happiness if you still stuck in your old unhappy relationship, set routines to make yourself happy, talk to your partner, tel him/her you not happy in your relationship and explain why, try new things, go out and watch movies together, do gift shopping, take kids for picnics, cook meal and wash dishes together, go for a drink and have lots of fun together,  and off cos make love, a man needs a woman who make him happy in bed, ask what he wants and how he wants it, be open to your partner, he gonna love that. in this 2013 its time you find out what you really want in your relationship, how would achieve that, and when would you start working on your goals of finding happiness.

Guys, life is about having fun, the more fun you have with those you love the more happier you gonna be.

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